The Medical Education, Clinical Skills and Simulation Center provides medical students and related health personnel, the opportunity to learn and practice certain skills in a controlled and safe environment. We provide a modern and efficient space, where students have the opportunity to explore key elements in the field of simulation (standardized patients, virtual simulation, videos, anatomical models, hybrid simulation, low and high fidelity simulators), while acquiring the necessary training to provide quality of care to their patients.

The UNIBE Medical Education, Clinical Skills and Simulation Center is a 378-square-meter facility comprised of four offices and a simile of an intensive care unit, equipped for high-fidelity clinical scenarios, a debriefing room, virtual simulation, a focused skills room, standardized patient dressing room, multipurpose conference room, instruction unit and state-of-the-art control room. We offer access to a large inventory of equipment, mannequins and low, medium and high fidelity simulators, software, as well as great accumulated experience in hybrid simulation and with standardized patients. We use quality audio and video systems and an observation system with one-way glass technology. Our staff is highly trained, with years of experience, and pioneers in the Simulation field.

Centro de simulacion UNIBE
Dra. Wayna Esmeralda Vasquez, MD, MSpMed, SIS, EIM

Simulation Center Coordinator
(809) 689-4111 ext. 3075
[email protected]


Get to know the Santo Domingo campus, by experiencing a 360 virtual tour of our UNIBE Medical Education, Clinical Skills and Simulation Center facilities.


  • Develop and promote simulation standards in education.
  • Provide support as an educational strategy and guideline for the integrated medical school curriculum.
  • Work internally and externally with academic and administrative personnel of the Faculty of Health Sciences, to promote patient safety as the main purpose of medical simulation.
  • Promote the professional development of teaching staff interested in simulation modalities.
  • Advocate for the improvement and availability of simulation formats for medical education in general.
  • Provide training using simulation as an instructional strategy and encourage using high technology for all health personnel and student body from other disciplines and / or interested academic programs.


Our Simulation Center and its laboratories currently serve medical students and other UNIBE Schools, as well as DEMEC.


Guarantee quality standards in medical practice, promoting patient safety. Issue guidelines in medical simulation using avant-garde and innovative educational strategies that aim to improve our health system at the national level.


Our Simulation Center seeks to be a prestigious and interdisciplinary training center, offering unconditional support to the design and implementation of educational programs that impact the simulation and medical education field on a large scale, both nationally and internationally.


Academic excellence, equality, respect, diversity, critical thinking, innovation, institutionality, ethics, professionalism, patient safety.


Email: [email protected]
Contact Number: (809) 689-4111 ext. 3075
Location:  129 Francia Ave., Gazcue, Universidad Iberoamericana – UNIBE
Santo Domingo Campus, FR-2 Building, 3rd floor (27 de Febrero building)
Hours of Operation: 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.