La comunidad académica de Unibe asume la responsabilidad de crear y mantener un ambiente de aprendizaje saludable caracterizado por integridad, inclusión y excelencia. Promovemos un clima educativo de bienestar basado en el respeto, abierto comunicación y colaboración entre miembros de la comunidad. La Universidad rechaza la deshonestidad académica, el maltrato, el acoso y cualquier comportamiento que atente contra la integridad de las personas, según lo establecido en nuestros Reglamentos, Políticas y Regulaciones Institucionales. Estamos comprometidos con la formación de profesionales íntegros y éticos que impactan positivamente en la vida de los demás.
La honestidad y el compromiso social es parte de los valores de la Escuela de Medicina de UNIBE, proveer información falsa será considerado un acto de deshonestidad e irrespeto, por tanto, puede ser motivo de sanciones según establecido en nuestro reglamento académico.
At UNIBE, we are in the best disposition to resolve your situation, as long as it is within the Rules and Regulations. Nonetheless, if you are dissatisfied with the decision made, you can send your complaint or claim in writing to the Vice-Ministry of Higher Education, enclosing all the information related to your case.
The UNIBE School of Medicine Academic Mentoring and Guidance Program offers its students strategies and resources to help them set and meet their goals, primarily during their preparation for the medical certification exams in the United States (USMLE).
Lack of planning and guidance can prevent students from making progress in preparing to take these exams. The program emphasizes the identification of weaknesses and the design of a precise and individualized action plan. Participants are evaluated in order to get to know their opportunities for improvement and develop a timely work plan, taking into account their personal needs. Each student is monitored by their assigned Mentor, who provides the pertinent recommendations and evaluates progress periodically.
We have a team of mentors from the faculty who are willing to offer counseling and guidance, plus a team of student volunteers who perform the role of "peer mentors", in charge of assisting program members who face difficulties with specific course topics. Both groups (Mentors and Peer Mentors) have successfully passed their USMLE Step 1 and are willing to share their experience.
Who can participate?
Any UNIBE medical student who has completed the first 8 semesters of their program and who is interested in accessing graduate medical studies in the United States.
More information
School of Medicine, Academic Coordination of Basic Sciences and Credential Validation Office.
Honesty and social commitment is part of the values of the UNIBE School of Medicine, providing false information will be considered an act of dishonesty and disrespect, therefore, it can be grounds for sanctions as established in our academic regulations.