
Diabetology and Nutrition Residency Program

Diabetology and Nutrition Residency Program

Training in knowledge, skills and competencies required for management of Diabetes Mellitus and all aspects of human nutrition.

Especialidad en Diabetología y Nutrición

General description

Physicians partaking in this residency program will be versed in the Diabetes Mellitus situation in the Dominican Republic and the world, not only regarding its pathophysiology and therapeutic elements, but also the social and occupational aspects affected by it. During their training, doctors will obtain the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to manage all issues related to Diabetes Mellitus and human nutrition.

Imparted at

National Institute of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Nutrition (INDEN, by its acronym in Spanish: Instituto Nacional de Diabetes, Endocrinología y Nutrición)


Residency Program in Diabetology and Nutrition


Three (3) years

Target Audience

General practitioners

Contact Us

Cosme Rafael Nazario Lora

Coordinador de Postgrados | Escuela de Medicina


This is the first step towards a world full of opportunities: the UNIBE World. These are the requirements to complete
the admission process.



Universidad d Salamanca
Universidad de León
Universidad de Barcelona